Ok so I dont have pictures of the recital just a video and my camcorder isn't hooked up to my new computer so I will just tell you about it. When we got there she was SO excited! Running around all over the place, at one point I couldnt find her and when I did she was down in the pit shadowing Susan (the dance teacher), so funny! Then they called all the dancers to the stage to warm up. So I took her up there and she got nervous. "Mom there are too many friends up here" she said, and to top it off they were testing the sound. So I had to try all sorts of ploy's to get her to stay up there and then I dissapeared, hoping she would be ok after I left.
Finally it was her classes turn. They were bringing them all out but where was Kennedie? We couldnt see her! Then she came trudging out from behind the curtain with her arms folded. One of the teachers done everything she could to try to get her to dance but she wouldn't, at one point she even sat down. Then the dance was over and what does she do as she walks off stage?? She started WAVING at the croud! Like she hadn't just thrown a fit on stage, I couldnt stop laughing!
Then it was time for her to go get her trophy and when they called her name she LEAPS across the stage like a little Ballerina...She is so funny. I am so proud of her though. It was her first time at something like this, I knew she would get nervous I am just proud of her for getting up there at all! I think my mom has pictures of the recital so watch her blog for them...
1 comment:
Jo Jo did fantastic at the recital. I am so proud of her. She does in fact have a mind of her own but that is what we want.... She reminds me of her mother, oh and yes her Gma Jo Jo. :-)
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