Kennedie- strep, ear infections & eye infections. *note she has only had these three things 1 other time in her life and they were all at the same time like this.
Brecklyn- ear infection #4! We will go back in 10 days and if this third kind of antibiotic does not cure it then we will go see a specialist about getting tubes. The thought of my baby having surgery (no matter how minor) just breaks my heart, but on the other hand if we can get off this antibiotic roller coaster then maybe it would be worth it.
Anyone have any thoughts, feelings or experiences with ear tubes?? I am kinda at a loss for what to do.
Goodness, your poor girlies! I hope they both get better soon:)
That is so sad. I hate when my kids are sick. My niece and nephew both have tubes and they have been so so wonderful. My nephew was sick for the entire year between his 1st and 2nd birthday. He got tubes right befire he turned 2 and he was a completly different boy. He was speaking a lot better, much happier, and finally would get down and run around, rather than sitting on his moms lap all the time. My niece just got her tubes about 6 weeks ago and she is about 9 months old. She is still having a lot of drainage. But was also an instanly happier baby. So I know surgeries are hard ( I won't even get Layton's blood drawn) but at least from our families experience it is worth it! Hope this helps you, good luck with your poor sick girls :(
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